Here are resources to help you construct the best experience for your candidates.
Creative Sources for Candidates:
- Use Social Media
- Attend Networking Events and Job Fairs
- Use Local Job Boards
- Use Tracking Links to track where you are getting candidates to apply from.
- Use QR codes to help candidates easily apply from their smart phones
Allow Current Employees to Throw their Name in the Hat:
- Display Internal Jobs for Employees
- Ask Recruiting to create an Internal Application
Incentivize Current Employees to Share that You are Hiring: Use the Gravity Referral App to incentivize employees to share open jobs at your company.
Brand your Company to Attract Talent:
- Recruiting sends your jobs to the free job boards so you need to make sure your company profile looks good on these job boards.
- Ask your employees to leave positive reviews on your public profiles.
- Standardize your communication to all applicants.
- Update your Careers Page.
Still having a hard time getting qualified candidates?
- Use the Recruiting Marketplace to sponsor postings.
- If you use third-party recruiters, the Agency Manager tool can help you and your agents communicate and stay organized.
Once you have Gathered these Candidates, Utilize Recruiting as a Database:
- Tagging Candidates to Search for Later
- Drag and Drop Candidates into Folders
- Customize Thank You Letters with Information for How to Keep In Touch.
- Follow-Up with Future Candidates
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