This article is for administrators with the Onboarding feature in Recruiting.
The Onboarding feature in Recruiting can make the onboarding process more efficient and productive. We streamlined the entire process from offer letter to the employee's first day so they can start being productive faster. And no more paper forms.
The Onboarding feature provides new employees a positive first impression!
Because onboarding is the first time a new employee gets introduced to your company, their first impression of your company should be a great one, and Onboarding in Recruiting can do that.
Company Documents Online for Easy Access:
- You can send important company documents like handbooks and policies to new hires, and they can even complete the paperwork online before their first day.
Guided Expert Set Up:
- After you buy the Onboarding feature, our Recruiting experts will work closely with you and your organization to set it up for your company.
Onboarding Configuration and Set Up
- Onboarding Setup
Onboarding Groups for Documents:
- At least one onboarding group is required to organize which documents are assigned to each employee.
Work Location:
- If your company has multiple locations, we recommend you set up work locations so you can provide your employees with the appropriate tax forms based on their location during onboarding.
- New Hire Wizard Configuration
- Welcome Message
Managing Employees During Onboarding
- How Do I Transfer a Hired Employee from Recruiting to Paycor and Start Onboarding Them?
- How Do I Complete New Hire Profiles for Onboarding in Recruiting?
See the Video of Getting Started with Onboarding
Additional Resources
- Onboarding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- For more about post-launch configuration options and the overall onboarding workflow, download the Recruiting Onboarding Guide.
Updated: March 3rd, 2025 3901 views 0 likes