Recruiting: Onboarding Guide
- Recruiting's Onboarding module is a web-based product for greater efficiency and productivity by eliminating paper forms.
- Onboarding is the first introduction a new hire has with your organization as an employee, and it directly impacts their perception of the organization and how long it takes for them to become productive.
- If you want to provide a seamless journey from offer letter to and employee's first day, then Recruiting can help you streamline onboarding.
- Company documents like handbooks and policies can be distributed to new hires, and they can even complete paperwork electronically in advance of their start date.
- After purchasing the Onboarding module, Recruiting will work closely with you and your organization to set the feature up.
- Download a PDF version of this article for more about post-launch configuration options and the overall onboarding workflow: Recruiting Onboarding Guide
General Information:
Manage Employees:
Frequently Asked Questions: Onboarding FAQ
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