This article is for administrators.
How Do I Complete New Hire Profiles for Onboarding in Recruiting?
1. Login to Paycor and on the left click People > Hiring > New Hire Tracking.
- The New Hire Tracking screen appears.
2. Click an employee's name and their profile screen appears.
3. Complete each section:
- After you complete a section, click the Next (section) button on the lower-right of the screen.
- A green checkmark appears on the left side indicating completion.
4. In the Contact section: All information currently submitted by the employee is viewable and you can overwrite any information if necessary:
5. For Tax Setup:
- All local taxes can be added after the new hire wizard
Local occupational taxes:
- Employers are responsible for setting up local occupational taxes on their organizational structure in Configure Company.
- These work-in taxes cannot be added during the new hire process.
Local residential taxes:
- Employers must add local residential taxes directly to their employee’s profile when appropriate if not added during the new hire process.
6. For Compensation:
You must complete Pay Rate, Pay Type and the effective date fields.
- The employee pay rate effective date defaults to the employee’s hire date, but this can be modified as needed.
7. When you've completed all sections you end up at the Review Section:
- At the bottom of the screen you can download Employment Documents.
- Review all the sections and when you're finished, at the bottom-right click Submit New Hire for Approval. The last step, the Hire section, appears.
8. On the Hire screen, verify the information is correct and then click Finish Setup.

This occurs:
- The candidate is moved from the New Hire Tracking section to the All People/Manage Employees list.
- A banner appears at the top of the Manage Employees list like shown here:
- Paycor reviews the employee's tax situation and offers tax recommendations as applicable.
- This is your opportunity to finalize the new employee's taxes.

Note: After an employee goes through onboarding, the documents they reviewed and acknowledged are viewable on their Employee > Documents profile screen, including their resume and any document attachments from Applicant Tracking.
Updated: February 10th, 2025 2805 views 0 likes