This article is for administrators.
The Recruiting Home Dashboard is the air traffic controller for your hiring process:
- Provides an overview of all of the active candidates by job and priority (Priority is listed vertically on the far left).
- Seamlessly keeps track of multiple rounds of Phone Screens and Interviews.
- Job Seeker bucket (third bucket down in a job's lane) allows you to easily spot your New Applicants.
Keep track of what you need to do:
- Review Requests from any page in Recruiting.
- Track and Manage your Pending Thank You Letters.
- Follow updates from Hiring Managers with just a click.
- Maintain autonomy over your Home Dashboard by choosing Dashboard Options at the top-right.
- Sort jobs any way you want and create filters based on either Department or Location.
- Run a quick search for a specific active job using Filter by Job Title at the top-left.
Dashboard Options & Filters
- Dashboard Options: Choose information that you need to see underneath your jobs from the Options button at the top-right of the dashboard.
- Filters: Update the dashboard to see jobs you are assigned to as a Hiring Manager or Recruiter (My Jobs), an Executive user (Executive Jobs), or a Team Member (Team Member Jobs).
Watch the Home Dashboard Expert Session Video
Updated: October 31st, 2024 3203 views 0 likes