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How Do I Use Candidate and Document Folders in Recruiting?

Describes how admins can use candidate and document folders in Recruiting.

This article is for administrators



  • Folders are a great way to organize candidates and documents.
  • Use documents and folders to store candidates for a job that has yet to be posted, keep track of a specific skill set, and keep a library of documents that you can use during the hiring process.
  • You can share only sub-folders with other Users. You cannot share your entire Candidates or Documents libraries. 
  • When a candidate is inactivated, they remain in your list of folders.
  • If you remove a candidate from your Folder, there are no impacts to the candidate's status or system history in their Candidate Profile Page.
  • Candidates remain in your Folders until they are manually removed.

How Do I Access Candidate and Document Folders?

  1. In Recruiting, on the left side of the screen, click Folders. Two folders appear:
    • Candidate Bookmarks folder: Where you can drag and drop candidate records.
    • Documents folder: Where you can upload DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, HTML, PDF, RTF and TXT. file types.
  2. To add candidates to your Candidate Bookmarks folder, drag the candidate's name either from your Candidate Search results, or from the candidate's profile. 
  3. To upload a document to your Documents folder, hover your mouse over the Documents folder, or the appropriate sub-folder, and click on the upload icon (^) to open the file upload prompt.
  4. To add a sub-folder, towards the bottom of the Folders section, click New. The Create New Folder prompt appears.

Updated: February 18th, 2025 3081 views

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