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Recruiting: Scheduled Messaging - Email and Text

Describes how to create and cancel scheduled emails and text messages.


  1. To schedule an email, in a candidate's record, open the email dialogue screen to send an email. 
  2. When you finish entering the email contents, at the lower-right, click the clock icon. The DELAY SENDING popup window appears. 
  3. Select a preset option or select a custom date and time to schedule the message delivery for a day in the future. 
    Scheduled emails appear with the envelope/clock icon at the top-left of the candidate news feed like shown here: 
  4. To cancel a scheduled email, access the item in the scheduled email news feed, on the right, click the vertical ellipses, and then select Cancel Scheduled Send


  1. To schedule an a text message, in a candidate's record, open the text message dialogue screen to send a text. 
  2. When you finish entering the text contents, at the lower-right, click the clock icon. The DELAY SENDING popup window appears. 
  3. Select a preset option or select a custom date and time to schedule the message delivery for a day in the future. 

    Scheduled text messages appear with the text box/clock icon at the top-left of the candidate news feed like shown here: 
  4. To cancel a scheduled text message, access the item in the scheduled text message news feed, on the right, click the vertical ellipses, and then select Cancel Scheduled Send


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