- In Recruiting, your company is permitted an unlimited number of Standard Users. However, the Admin and Staffing users are licensed through Recruiting. If your team needs to add an additional Admin/Staffing User, contact Recruiting Support.
- To remove a current user as an Admin/Staffing user and free up an additional license, you can reassign the existing Staffing/Admin user as a Standard User. If this Admin/Staffing User is leaving your company, you must change the user's status to Inactive from their User profile screen.
- If that option is grayed out as shown in the example here, this is because the user is currently assigned as a Hiring Manager on a number of positions. To Inactivate that user and free up the additional Admin/Staffing license, you must remove them from any positions they are assigned to as a Hiring Manager.
Important: If you are changing who the current Admin user is, you must update your Approval Managers. See these articles for instructions on updating Approval Managers:
- Job Approval Managers: See How Do Administrators Use Job Approvals in Recruiting?.
- Offer Approval Managers: See Offer Approval - Setup Guide.
Here are the differences between Locked, Inactive, and Deleted users:
- Locked Users: Cannot login. Other than that, they function like any other user. You can add them to jobs, etc. A user is typically locked when you want to train someone before they access the system (e.g. our support team locks entire companies until they are trained)
Inactive Users:
- Inactivating a user is like a soft delete.
- When you inactivate a user, they do not appear in user lists anymore. For example, when you create a job and select a hiring manager, the list contains only locked and unlocked users.
- To inactivate a user, remove them from any currently active jobs. This is almost always preferred to deleting someone.
Deleted Users:
- Removes them from the system.
- You still see comments that they posted on jobs/candidates, but if you open the job you do not see them assigned to a job anymore.
- Deleted users do not appear on reports.
Updated: October 29th, 2024 1797 views 0 likes