- Your Administrators can modify the generic application submission text to best suit the needs of your organization.
- This is the text that appears at the bottom of your job listings if you have the Allow Candidates to Submit Generic Applications feature enabled.
Important: You must be Administrator to perform this task.
Follow these steps to modify the generic application submissions text:
- In Recruiting, click Admin, Careers Page, and then click the Settings tab.
- In the Allow People to submit a resume without selecting a job field, modify the existing text accordingly.
- Click Save.
- Do not edit the text in the Apply Link token ({APPLY LINK - TEXT:CLICKING HERE}). Editing this text inactivates the token and your generic candidates cannot submit their applications.
- The text box is HTML enabled, so your Admins can make formatting updates to this text using HTML tags, such as, <br>, <p></p>, <h2></h2>, etc.
Updated: September 11th, 2024 2304 views 0 likes