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How Do I Allow Non-Administrative Users to Edit a Careers Page in Recruiting?

Describes how admins can allow non-admin users to edit a careers page.

This article is for Administrators.



  • Administrators can edit the Careers page settings.
  • Administrators can also grant this permission to other Standard users.
  • Example: This is useful if you have a web designer or IT resource that is working on your careers page implementing an IFrame or Atom Feed.

How Do I Enable Access to the Careers Website Editor for Standard Users?

  1. In Recruiting, click Admin. 
  2. Click Users. 
  3. Open the user's account that you want to give access to.
  4. In the Additional Permission section on the right, mark the check box next to Careers Website Editor and click Save
  • The next time that user logs in, they have access to the Admin tab with only the Careers Page sub-page appearing.

Updated: January 24th, 2025 2403 views

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