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Smart Sourcing Guide Step 4: How to Calibrate Job Profile in Paycor Smart Sourcing

Step 4 in the process to setup and use Paycor Smart Sourcing for Recruiting.

This is Step 4 in the process to setup and use Paycor Smart Sourcing for Recruiting. 


Paycor Smart Sourcing analyzes your job description and provides candidate profiles that closely match your description. Calibrating a job helps to fine-tune the unwritten qualities that identify the best potential candidate.

To Calibrate a Job:
1. The Smart Sourcing Manager will receive notification when the job is ready to calibrate.
  • Tip:
    • If you have not received a notification, verify your notification settings by clicking the settings (gear) icon at the the top-right of Recruiting, and then click Notification Settings.
    • You can opt to receive the calibration status notifications in the Recruiting Notification Center, by Email, or both.  



2. From the job profile, or from the Smart Sourcing Summary screen, launch the calibration from the job profile,

3. From the Job Record, click Calibrate at the top-right.


On the Paycor Smart Sourcing Summary screen, go to the Action column and click the vertical ellipses icon to display these actions:


Note: On the Paycor Smart Sourcing Summary screen, Administrative and Staffing users can see all jobs with Paycor Smart Sourcing enabled. Standard users will see only the jobs they are assigned to as the Paycor Smart Sourcing manager.
3. On the Paycor Smart Sourcing Landing screen, Smart Sourcing Managers are presented with at least seven (7) candidates to evaluate.
  • Candidates are evaluated as:
Qualifying: prefer candidates with these qualities
Disqualifying: don't want candidates with these qualities.   
Note: To get the best candidates, managers must rate at least 7 profiles.



  • Paycor Smart Sourcing Qualify / Disqualify Reasons:
Job Title

Qualify/Disqualify candidates because of their job title: 

  • Qualify candidates who are currently in this position -or-
  • Disqualify candidate to exclude the job title from search -or-
  • Add more relevant job titles.



Current Company

Qualify/Disqualify candidate because of their current company. 

  • Qualify candidates who are currently working at this company -or-
  • Disqualify candidates to exclude this company from your company search -or-
  • Select candidates who work at a specific company.


Job Tenure
  • Qualify candidate because of their average job tenure -or-
  • Disqualify candidate and select a value from the list which represents candidates whose tenure is lower than that value you select.


  • Qualify candidates because of their location -or-
  • Disqualify candidates and refine your search criteria to adjust or add location.


  • Qualify candidates because they worked in a specific industry -or-
  • Disqualify candidates and refine your search criteria to exclude candidates who work in that industry -or-
  • Add industries if lacking an industry.


Matched Skills
  • Qualify candidates based on matched skills, like Data Entry, Reports and Word or Excel.
  • Select all the match skills you want to apply from list.  
  • Disqualify candidates and apply missing skills to qualify candidate.


Years of Experience
  • Qualify or disqualify candidates based on their relevant years of experience.


  • Qualify or disqualify candidates based on their education.


Managerial Experience
  • Qualify or disqualify candidates based on their years of managerial experience.


  • Qualify or disqualify candidates based on your preferred seniority range.


4. Smart Sourcing Managers can finish the calibration process after you rated 7 profiles using the Qualify/Disqualify reasons above.
  • To finish, click Finish Search Calibration.
  • Want to calibrate more?
    • Click Rate more candidates.
    • Two options are available describes below:
      • ​​​​I want AI to automatically source candidates for me
      • I want to select candidates myself. 


  • I want AI to automatically source candidates for me:  
    • When you select this option, the AI will automatically source candidates that best fit your qualifications.
    • Smart Sourcing will reach out to the candidate pool and candidates that express interest in the job will flow directly into the ATS as a Smart Sourced candidate.
    • With this option you also have the ability to set the Diversity settings.
    • This is an optional step to boost candidates from different demographics in the talent pool. 


  • I want to select candidates myself:
    • This option allows you to manually select each candidate that you would like Smart Sourcing to reach out to.
    • Similar to the calibration step, the recruiter can qualify or disqualify a candidate by clicking on a specific reason. 
    • Alternatively, at the top-right clicking Qualified or Disqualified to quickly mark candidates as qualified or unqualified.
      • The system will automatically reach out to the qualified candidates, while the unqualified candidates will not be contacted.
    • At any point you can toggle on the Select Automatic AI Sourcing to stop manual selection and start automatic AI Sourcing:


  • If additional suitable candidates cannot be found during the manual selection:
    • A search screen appears while the system attempts to find additional candidates.
    • To direct the system to take over the task of selecting and contacting candidates as soon as they are found, click Select Automatic Smart Sourcing.



03/20/24 980 views

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