- Indeed notified Paycor Recruiting they will be enforcing Salary Requirements in Job Descriptions.
- If your job is created in Paycor Recruiting and promoted to Indeed without a salary in the description, Indeed will attempt to discern a salary for that specific job and show an estimated range.
An excerpt from Indeed enforcing Salary Requirements in Job Descriptions:
Salary information is one of the most important factors for job seekers when they search for and view jobs. We know that job seekers want to see salary information for every job posting; when asked if salaries were helpful when shown along with job descriptions, over 80% responded favorably. We also know that jobs with salaries perform better; fill rate for jobs on Indeed Hire improved by 40% when salary information was included. Salaries on Indeed have been gaining popularity with jobseekers since we began showing them in search results in 2015. Also, as you are likely aware, some states are beginning to require salary transparency in job postings. For instance, Colorado already requires salary transparency for all jobs and California now requires companies to report compensation. Other states have similar legislation under consideration as well. […] If no salary can be extracted from the job description, Indeed will show an estimated salary for jobs. If your clients do not wish to have an estimated salary displayed on their job postings on Indeed, they have the ability to override this by including a salary range either within their job description, or provide it to Indeed directly by contacting customer support. |
1. What if I don’t want Indeed to show an estimated salary for my job?
- Keep in mind that Indeed is not making this optional.
- If you don’t want Indeed to show an estimated salary for your job, you will need to provide the correct salary information in the job description. See the steps in FAQ 3.
- If you don’t want to provide a salary, Indeed will display an estimated salary for your job instead.
- We recommend you provide the correct salary in the description rather than letting Indeed try to estimate it.
- If you are unhappy with this, contact Indeed for more information about what can be done.
- You can provide an updated salary in the Job Description and ask Indeed to correct the salary information being displayed by replacing it with what you provided.
- You will need to contact Indeed if you need help or clarification about their salary requirements or an understanding as to why they estimated your salary incorrectly.
- Indeed's Knowledge base outlines Job Descriptions best practices.
- Here's an excerpt of a few recommendations:
Below is the recommended salary format to input the salary for your job opening. These formatting guidelines help ensure our salary extractor can extract salaries as accurately as possible.
Please follow these guidelines for best salary extraction results. Our extractor should be able to handle a variety of notations, but it's best to stick to these rules:
Updated: July 27th, 2024 2246 views 0 likes