This article is for administrators.
Job Approval is an optional feature that adds an email-driven workflow where Recruiting users can submit a new job for approval, have other stakeholders review it, and then approve or deny the new job.
Sample Job Approval Workflow with Two (2) approvers
Submit | > | Which Approval Process? | > | First Approval | > | Final Approval |
Any Standard User submits a Job Approval request > | > |
One of your company's Approval Managers selects an appropriate Approval Process and submits the job for approval. The system will ask approvers to Approve or Deny the job. |
> | System sends an email to designated Approvers based on the process selected to Approve or Deny the job. | > | After everyone approves the job, the Approval Managers are asked to Activate the job. |
Approval Manager Role Is Only for Admins and Staffing Users
The Approval Manager role must be assigned only to users in your company with an Admin or Staffing user.
Any Recruiting user can submit a job approval and be a part of the approval process, but only the Approval Manager (Admin/Staffing user) manages the approval process and activates the job after it's approved by all approvers.
How Do Admins/Staffing Users Turn On Job Approval?
To begin using Job Approval, an Admin user must turn it on with this process:
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
- The Active Jobs screen appears.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals.
3. When the Approvals screen appears, click the toggle next to On: We will use a Job Approval process.

This occurs:
- A confirmation message appears and the screen updates to show Job Approval is “On.”
How Do I Customize Job Approval?
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
- The Active Jobs screen appears.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals.
- When the Approvals screen appears, all Job Approval settings appear on the left.
- Approval Managers
- Standard Approval Processes
- Job Approval Form
- Job Approval Request Email
4. Click one of the options to customize the settings. In this screenshot, Approval Managers was selected.
How Do I Set Default Approval Managers?
When someone requests a job, it is sent to an Approval Manager to initiate the approval process.
Only Admins and Staffing Users can be Approval Managers, but any user can be an Approver.
You can set Default Approval Managers to receive the approval requests or choose Per-User Approval Managers.
- Per-User Approval Managers allow you to designate Approval Managers who should receive the approval request based on the user initiating the approval.
1. To add Default Approval Managers, login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals.
3. In the Job Approval is “On” section, click Approval Managers:
- In the Default Approval Managers section, select Default Approval Managers or Add Approval Manager to assign Admin or Staffing users.
- In the Per-User Approval Managers section, click Is the Approval Manager for these people to assign an Approval Manager to specific standard users.
- The red X deletes the entry.
4. To view, add or remove Default Approvers, click the Default Approval Managers link, make the changes in the popup and click Save.
- You're finished adding approvers! Recruiting displays your alert settings for your convenience.
How Do I Create a Standard Approval Process?
After submitting a job for approval, an Approval Manager initiates the actual approval process by sending it out to users designated as Approvers. Instead of selecting the Approvers individually each and every time, you can set up approval processes ahead of time!
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals and the Approvals screen appears.
3. In the Job Approval is “On” section, click Standard Approval Process(es) and then click Create and Approval Process.
4. In the Create an Approval Process popup, enter the Name (Standard Process) and a Description (enter a simple description).
5. In the APPROVAL PROCESS TYPES section, select one of these:
All At Once (all approvers will be notified at once via email):
- Next to Approvers, click Add/Edit.
- In the Easy Process Type popup, select the approvers and click Save.
- See above for the screenshot.
Sequential: (you create a sequence of approvers and they are notified in that order as the approvals are granted):
- Click the 1st Add link, select the first approver and click Save.
- The screen updates and select click the 2nd Add link, and so until you complete the number of sequences.
6. When you're finished, click CREATE.
- A notification appears briefly at the bottom of the screen, and the Standard Process appears on the Approval screen.
7. To create additional, non-standard approval processes, follow Steps 1 through 6.
How Do I Customize the Job Approval Form?
When users request a new Job Approval, they are asked to fill out a form. You can customize this form with optional and required fields.
Default Job Approval Fields in your company's Job Approval Form:
- When you open the Job Approval Form screen, you'll see default fields.
- These fields are taken directly from your custom Job Budget Info fields in Company Settings.
- If you want a custom field to appear for Job Approvals, you must first go to Company Settings > Job Budget Info fields > Budget Fields and add it.
To modify the job approval form:
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals and the Approvals screen appears.
2. On the left in the Job Approval Is “On,” section, click Job Approval Form.
- Approvals screen appears.

3. In the Job Approval Form section, you will find all job approval fields you can modify:
- Hidden: Removes the field from your approval form.
- Optional: The field appears but is not marked as Required.
- Required: Forces the user to complete this field and it's marked visually as Required (
Note: If you want a custom field to appear for Job Approvals, you must first go to Company Settings > Job Budget Info fields > Budget Fields and add it.
4. Make any changes to each of the fields in this section, and when you're finished go to the top-right and click Save.
- Job Information (basic job description)
- Budget Information (salary, bonus, commission, etc)
- People (form visibility for users)
- Documentation (if you want required information such as a job approval form PDF, requisitions, writing samples, etc.)
How Do I Modify Job Approval Emails?
When the approval process has started, Approvers receive this email when their input is required.
Admins can change the template as needed.
- Please always use the Auto-Fill Tokens under the email body to make life easier!
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
2. At the top, click Admin > Approvals and the Approvals screen appears.
2. On the left in the Job Approval Is “On,” section, click Job Approval Request Email.
- The Approval Request Email screen appears with the default Approval Request email template.

3. Make changes to the email as needed.
- Don't forget to copy and paste Auto-Fill tokens into the email as needed.
If you have any questions, reach out to the Recruiting support team.
Watch the Job Approval Expert Session Video
Updated: December 5th, 2024 2517 views 0 likes