This article is for administrators.
Recruiting has a robust candidate search feature which allows users to search through the candidate database based on various criteria: search terms, stages, tags, application answers, and more!
Steps to Use Candidate Search
1. Login to Paycor and go to People > Hiring > Applicant Tracking.
- The screen opens to display the Active Jobs in your company.

2. At the top-left click the magnifying glass icon and select Candidate Search.
- The Candidate Search screen appears.
3. Enter your desired search criteria, including the options along the left side shown below, and then click the magnifying glass icon on the right.
- Tags
- Candidate Details
- Candidate History
- Job Information
- System Filters
- Candidate Filters
- Compensation

Candidate Search Tips
Or Logic Searches Candidate Profile fields:
- The main search bar at the top searches using or logic by referencing the Name, Resume, Application and Comments fields in the candidate list.
- Example: a search for Jason yields candidates who have either a name containing Jason, a resume containing the word Jason, an application containing the word Jason, or comments containing the word Jason.
Partial Names - Use a wildcard asterisk (*): Search for Jon* to find any candidates named Jonathan.
For more advanced search tips, see our article on Candidate Search - Advanced Search and Boolean Operators
Watch the Candidate Search Expert Session Video
Updated: February 18th, 2025 3052 views 0 likes